The World's Undoings

The world's happiness turns into dear sadness.

That sadness then turns into horrible misery.

Is this our doing?

Has God officially giving up on the human race?

Life cries out for our help.

Will we listen?

The world's vivid beauty turns into withering dust.

We all sit back and act as though things will live on forever.

Can someone help this miserable planet?

Call upon the Heavens and see if you get an answer.

Does anyone care enough to really pay attention though?

Nature sinks away right before your eyes.

Not a single soul cares enough to really see.

Do we all see what we want to see?

Do we really hear what we want to hear?

As everything starts to fade we just put on a smile and pretend things will be fine.

By tomorrow we will see that is a lie.

Is it too late to call for help?

Are we truly that selfish to even ask for it?

I'm afraid we all know the answer to those questions.

There is no more starting over.

There is no more hiding from our fate.

We have stopped listening and so has everything else.