
Everything slowly fades away as the sweet sharp metal slides across my imperfect skin.

He enters my mind as I hold on to the last precious minutes of my life.

Is this his fault?

Think about it as the blood tinkles down my arm, smudging the word everyone knows.

Can you forgive me for the sin I am committing?

Sadly, it's too late to figure out the answers now.

All time has left for me now is to finish this poem and to wait.

Wait for what you may ask me.

Don't worry, you'll find that answer out very soon.

Everything starts to fade to black as I look at the beautiful word carved into my body.

After this will he miss me throughout the days?

Is he even going to care?

His flawless face fills my mind as the blood from my veins spill out on to the floor.

Is my time finally here?

Will my pain finally end?

Please let it come for I am giving him what he wants.

I bid you a good-bye for the last time as my rich and warm blood drains empty.

This world has offered me enough as my limp corpse falls to the blood drenched floor.

All there is left to me is his named carved into my cold dead flawless skin.