Even angels can fall.

So now you’re trapped,
In a mausoleum built for you.
With a look of anguish so rapt,
One experienced by so few.
This is your retribution,
Your punishment from above.
This is your absolution,
Destroyed by the one you love.
You stare at the walls that surround,
Hoping to see someone you recall.
You scream though no-one’s around,
Hoping that someone will hear your call.
Peeling off your own flesh,
Simple self-mutilation.
Upon your body you thresh,
Your own sick obsession.
Reluctant to let anyone near,
You stay silent and still.
Paralysed by your fear,
As they make you swallow your pills.
A realisation shall dawn,
Even the perfect become weak.
We are all the devil’s spawn,
In this world so bleak.
So now you know,
Now you hear their call.
The change we shall all undergo,
Even angels can fall.