Where am I?

Onii-chan, Onii-chan, where are my eyes?
"They shed moisture,
From all your lies."

Onee-chan, Onee-chan, where are my lips?
"They disappeared,
Because of your quips"

Otosan, Otosan, where are my ears?
"They where gone
With the bier"

Okaasan, Okaasan, where is my nose?
"It was stolen
By your beaux."

Imoto-chan, Imoto-chan, where is my foot?
"It was burnt to a crisp;
It's nothing but soot."

Ototo-chan, Ototo-chan, where is my hand?
"I ate it,
It was quite bland"

Kazoku, Kazoku, where have I gone?
"You have died,
Wrapped in chiffon"

Here I am, Here I am,
buried deep down in the sand.
I haven't a foot, I haven't a hand,
My eyes have rot,
My lips are shot
I am no more,
Just this ash on the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
A tinge bit morbid, I'd say...hence the rating >.>