Forever and Longer

I know I don’t think about you enough
And most of the time the day is just so rough
Doing the things I have to do
No time for what I want to
I can’t write, I can’t read
I can’t draw, I can’t grieve
I talk about you and I won’t feel a twinge
But sometimes I see you, and I just unhinge
All the fears, all the strain
Come out in tears, drown out the pain
Seeing your picture, it gives me grief
But at the same time, it offers relief
I’ll just remember all you did for me
We’d cuddle up and let our minds be free
You understood me more than anyone could
You put up with my antics more than anyone would
You were my best friend, part of my life
And then the end began, with one simple knife
You suffered for months, paralyzed waist down
And I could just watch and try not to frown
A week before Christmas, life you couldn’t keep
And you stopped breathing while deep into sleep
So this is my message, a little late, but still
The right words came along, at the time of God’s will
I’ll miss you forever
And nothing will sever
The bond we share, it’s special indeed
Only to good, can it possibly lead
So up above, in God’s land so fair
I hope you’ll remember that I’ll always care
♠ ♠ ♠
Critisism and reactions encouraged and enjoyed.