
Love is an empty goal..
an empty dreams
forcing its draw
to children young and niave
with picture perfect weddings
like snow white
living happyly ever after
yet again..

But what love is
is cold
endless of pain that stabs you in the chest
drawing its sward in battle
and itching at you to fight its bloody war.
Its win or loose kid.

Don't think its pretty
because the only pretty part of it is when the man goes on his knees
and tells his lulaby
about the success of his "Journey"
to battle all the evil
that came forward before.

And those who never win the battle?
sit and hope for love to come to them..
and dream as children do..
about the wonderful life
with unicorns and rainbows.

Love isn't anything easy..
Its tought.
but the ending is magical.
What you find.. what you hold onto
is the power no one else could understand.