Life As A Shadow

"Who am I? Where am I?
Am I alive, or am I dead?
I feel nothing, Is this a dream?
It can't be............ or is it?"

I am sure this isn't reality,
For if it was, It wouldn't be this weird.
Its completely dark,
And I cannot see my body.

I look behind myself,
I see a light, pure white as snow.
Its shape is exactly like mine,
At least that's what I believe.

The light begins to move,
I follow it in unison.
The thing is i can't figure out why I follow.
Is it pulling me or is it instinct.

I look into the light,
I see a world with stars in the sky.
"Why is it dark there?" I wanted to find out.
"And why is it dark here too"?

I see the light lay down on a bed,
I fall into a slumber when the light fades.
Awoken the light became hours later,
The world around is covered in a light as well.

Its still black but I can see what appears to be my body.
I see the light stand on a 90 degree angle.
And I continue to follow it.

Sometimes the light will sit in the shade and I return to darkness,
Sometimes it'l angle itself further and I grow.
What is with this sensation, I shouldn't be happy.
I am still alone......

Another day later the strangest thing happened,
The light met with another light.
I hear a voice, "Hello" .....Hello?"
Is someone talking to me that's impossible.

Its another embodiment of darkness like myself,
It says hello in a sweet innocent tone.
Suddenly I see the lights fuse by their arms,
I hug the person next to me.

The lights begin to kiss,
and so do we.
Why am I forced to this,
If I wanted to kiss I would've done so myself.

Why Am i doomed!
I can't go anywhere!
Am I stuck to this light forever
Until it completely fades.

I won't know until it does.
I wonder how long that will take?
Will my life end too?
My Life as a Shadow