Suicial Beauty

Staring out at the black tar
A meaningless chunk of land – to some
But to you it's where your great last misery will stand
The knife is heavy in your hand
Your life is a great target practice
It's has no mind or meaning

The cool blade touches lightly onto your pale skin
Your head falls back to look at the dark night sky
Your last vision of this world
The stars twinkling at you
As if not want to say goodbye

A shooting star flies by
Like it's waving goodbye
Clouds cover them and two raindrops land on your face
You dig the blade into your skin
The warm crimson blood leaks out
The rain patters on your face, harder and faster
The sky is crying for you

You reach the carotid artery and dig the tip of the blade in
The blood spurts out and you clench your teeth
The real pain has started
You close your eyes as you let yourself be consumed into darkness
For the first time in years a smile appears
You are finally at peace
For yourself at least.