
Sifting through papers long-forgotten,
I found the letters I wrote
When I was besotted
And keeping it a secret.
Those letters--
All the emotion I put into them--
They were wonderful.
Why was I ashamed of them?
Why was I so certain you'd laugh at me
And my silly, foolish, blind love?
As of now, I'm almost certain
That you would have been touched.
Of course, you'll never see my letters--
Never read them,
Never feel the paper,
Never smell the ink.
It's far too late to show you,
But you'll be in my mind
And I hope you smell the smoke
As I burn them.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've had a crush on this girl for a long time. I would write letters to her, but I never showed them to her because I was so sure she'd reject me. I found all the letters I wrote while I was cleaning out my backpack, so I decided to write this.

Comments are appreciated. ^^