Where Has It All Gone?

Where has it all gone?

Where is the sappy love stories?
The corny heart shaped boxes filled with chocolate.
The simple single red rose?

Where is the simple kisses, and life long wishes?
Where are the stupid rhymes?
Why can't a simple "I Love You" be enough anymore?

Where has it all gone?

Where is the forever love?
The long life time, I-don't-need-anyone-else love?
Where is all the hope?! The faith?!

Why has everything succumbed to hate?
To heartbreak and deceit?
To careless lust?

Where has it all gone?

Love no longer means, friendship,

It's definition has changed.
Love is, lust?
the rush of the moment.

Where has it all gone?

Where's the flirtatious ferris wheel rides?
The "dinner and a movie", without the sex?
The street fair dates, with cotton candy kisses, and innocent laughter?

Where is all the innocence?
Don't you see, it's gone?
Don't you miss it?

I do.

I miss the innocence of love.
And I wasn't even alive for it!
But, I do know that I wish I had known it.

I do know I wish I had mine back.
My innocence.
My heart.

Where has it all gone?

Where is the sappy love stories?
The corny heart shaped boxes filled with chocolate.
The simple single red rose?