Hush, Little Killjoy...

Hush, little killjoy
B-L-I’s on our tail,
You don’t want Korse to hear you wail.
And if he does
Jet will gun him down
Korse will be gone,
We’ll be safe and sound.
And if the Dracs somehow find us here,
Party will keep his raygun near.
And if the Scarecrows want revenge
Kobra will run them down with the Trans Am.
And if the Power Pup supply runs low,
More will be found thanks to Fun and Show.
My dear motor baby, if you’re still scared,
You’ll soon see that B-L-I was not well prepared.

Remember, the future will always be bulletproof.
And BL/IND will not reign forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm in the mood for tearing down some Dracs right now...any killjoy who wants to join me, grab your rayguns, meet me in Zone 6!