The Betrayed Lover to His Loved

The gods have cursed me with this weary heart
That longs for love yet has been torn apart
By whom I would have laid my life down for,
The one my soul still secretly adores.
With lonely nights, I drown under my tears,
A sea of pain where love cannot adhere
To all my plans and dreams of happiness
Where you and I would live in complete bliss
Away from pain and all this worldly hell,
Reclaiming Eden to forever dwell;
But like a simple fool bound to desire,
Whose heart burns with love’s tumultuous fire,
Never foreseeing tragedy by lies
From one who struck me with such lovely eyes,
Saying you love me, yet keeping at bay
Your heart from opening, daring to say
That love, for you, is hard to understand
And that you love me and another man,
I played a part in your cruel, twisted game,
Bound to your whims and lost in endless shame.
You whisper in my ear, yet dream of him,
Then kiss my lips and all the while condemn
Me to a hell, where in my mind, I know
That you were with him just an hour ago.
I, who give my all for you, am nothing,
A pawn, an abdicated, fallen king
Who gives his crown to a new ruling throne
Ensuring that I am exiled, alone.
I walk away and in your eyes, I feel
No signs of sorrow or wish to appeal.
All hearts are toys you leave broken behind
Shattered by pain and lost for all of time.
I curse the day that you walked in my life
And tore my heart with your deceptive knife
That you call love. How dare you deceive me!
I won’t forgive you for all eternity;
And though my scorn will live on forever,
In my heart, I wished we were together.