Willingly or Unwillingly

When I see you in the halls,
Or when we sit next to eachother in class,
I close my eyes,
And breathe deeply.
Taking in all of your scent,
All of your spirit being there,
Next to me.

I want you to hold me,
Like if you let go I'll fly away,
I want you to kiss me,
Like I won't be there tomarrow,
But mostly I want my friend back.

The person I want back the most is the person I can trust,
With all my secrets,
And all my desires.
The person that consoles me when I'm in pain,
And the person that wipes away my tears.

I miss having your big arms wrapped around me,
And I miss having to look up at you when you hold me so close,
But not having you is my fault,
And that shame I will have to accept,
Willingly or,