Silly Love Poem Written In A Fit Of Romanticism

The night is dark
and the fireflies are glowing around us.
We are lying in the tall grass.
The sky is lighter than the trees around
and the moon is our only light.
I know you feel
that you have to fill the empty spaces.
But I love you silent.
I love the words that have no sound
but the warm exhale of a laugh
or the soft whisper of a breath.
There is no substitute for the
silent quickening of the heart
in the bright exchange of glances,
the short smile, and
grateful understanding.
Breaking the silence
would tear us away from the nature.
The natural grace of
two stumbling teenagers
figuring out love,
step by slow step,
one watching the other.
So sure that the other
is confident.
♠ ♠ ♠
the title says it all