Nettles For the Dead

One friend's loss
is enough to grieve

Two friends gone
Is enough to weep

Three friends lost
is enough to die

When did the world
become so lonely?

When did the dark
become so full
of shadows?

The strength I had
was lost long ago
In the ghosts of who
I thought I could love

Their faces
reflect hate
and anger
I can never

Gone into

what I am
Who I thought I was

My heart has
into a thousand shards
of broken glass

And when I sleep
never to wake again
remember this

roses are for the loved
violets are for the remembered
daisies are for the forgotten
nettles are for the dead

So line my coffin with nettles and daisies
forget who I was
forget who I thought I was to be
And throw my ashes to the wind
so they may be caught by the sea