For The World To See .

Runway hallway, don't you agree ?
Every body's a model here, showing off the side they want a confused world to see.
And you, are both known and unknown .
The mask of the day, you've picked from your closet, to hide what you feel? Yes, i suppose so.
Sleeves and bracelets are an everyday necessity, for you at least.
Desperation fills your features halfway, half empty .
Desperate to hide, no one must know your sad secret .
They won't understand, i'm afraid .
They won't understand, you're terrified .
Feels like a blank paper until you write all over it; looks better . Feels better.
Feels like an empty tear, until you give it a reason for it's pain .
Don't need anyone, do you ?
No one feels like you, no one else hides away in their sleeves of despair.
But no one feels as good with those beautiful tattoos lacing your wrists.
Beautiful and deadly aren't a good mix .
Beautiful is good.
Risks will always be taken .
Beautiful and risky seem to be a good couple.
So you bleed beauty and the risks you're convinced are necessary .
Is there another way ?
Of course.
Is there a better way ?
It goes unanswered every time .
So this is what you'll be.
Hidden behind the walls you've built,
that's all,
for the world to see .