I will hold you close to my heart.

I will hold you close to my heart.
That title, I know you are going to laugh.
But this is a poem simply for you
And simply for me
That everyone else can see and I don't mind that either.

I will hold you close because you are nice to me.
The kind of nice that
Whenever I stop eating you will try to feed me anyway.
And the nice that whenever I feel awkward you will understand, and
(laugh) Not break up with me.

I will hold you close because you listen to me and I listen to you.
Your voice is a melody, I hope you know that.
Entrancing and soft and smooth like velvet.

And I will also hold you close because you are beautiful.
This is the part where I slip up and you laugh.
(Hopefully she laughs!)

I love you.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm so cheesy it's embarassing.