True You

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to be somebody else? Or wished that you did something differently or even wished you done that or had that happen to you. Well, Let me tell you something. If you werent you, bt somebody else, then you would be a completely entirely different person and youd have different parents, and even different friends and a different boyfriend.Now whod want that?? And if you hadt done that one thing you did, then you might not be who you are today, because everything you say and do make you who you are. And if something real bad happened to you, just think; There are probably other girls out there whove had that happen to them, even guys too. So you are NOT alone and never will be alone in anything that happens. You arent the only one out there that goes through boyfriend troubles, relationship problems, friend problems, famile issues, everything. But if you dont like who you are then im sorry bout that, but just know that its your fault you are the way you are; your actions, your conversations, Unless you got raped or something like that. THAT aint your fault,,,But one thing for real is that you have to love and be who you are,,,,

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