
I wrote this for a project in English, and I really liked it, so I decided to post it on here.

This is about my mom and how she died, and how I miss her.

I don't know if you would really consider this a poem or not..


Mother, where are you today?
You took a piece of me the day you went away.
Never to hear your voice, see you smile, or hug you.
I now don't have a mother
because of a careless drunk driver.
Where are you today?

Once a best friend,
now a distant memory.
Every time a car tire screeches,
my heart rate increases.
Where are you today?

The day I found out
that you were gone
a piece of me was taken,
never to return again.

I always think of you,
you never leave my mind.
The tears I shed for you
are because I miss you so.

Mother, where are you today?