
I see you walkin down the hallway...
You thinkin youre so cool with your football buddies.
But underneath it all is the boy i know..
A sensitive nice boy who cares..
You look at me and smile, your buddies whisper and point at me
You nod, and woots and hollers are heard.
I look away embarrassed... My cheeks turn red..
You walk up to me,"hey"
Such a simple word but my heart flutters like hummingbird wings.
I look at him under my lashes," Hi...."
He smiles at the sound of my voice.
"Would you like to go to a movie?" You say while fidgeting... you seem nervous.
"yes that would be lovely"
he smiles," Allright. Pick you up at 8:30?"
"Sure" i say and smile.'
I turn around and laugh and say finally.
he looks back at me and laughs.
I turn around, "whoops"
I smile and walk to class.