Green's Natural Splendour

How to describe green perfectly?
I don’t know, I doubt it could be done
There are so many words as of yet not invented
That could only barely scrape the surface
Of green’s natural beauty
I could say it’s serendipitous
Or merely full of life
I could say it’s quite enticing
For all its different shades
Or better yet magnificent
Since trees tower high above us
But no, none of this could possibly be right
Green is supercalifragilistic!
It’s expialadocious!
It’s several thousand things at once
It’s, put simply, divine
No other colour ever could compare
I can stare at the waters of the sea
Churning gently for copious hours
Watching the swirling greens
Transform with every passing moment
I can stare all around me in a forest
And never possibly be bored
Green life swaying with the wind
Leaves falling, crickets humming
What other colour could do that?
Scarlet, purple, or white?
I know many a person who can’t even stand
The sight of their own blood
And purple? What the hell is purple?
Eggplants are gross, bruises hurt
And turnips are plain as white paper
White then, white is better than green
I scoff, even scarlet’s better than white
You put green on white canvas
And pout when white clouds come around
As well, white is the colour of paperwork
The kind that angers you for hours
The kind that makes you procrastinate
Now I know you could argue for days
But I also know you can’t deny
That green’s the colour of life
The colour of plants, and trees
And for that reason I find undoubtedly
That green is the most beautiful colour
And it’s all around, mesmerizing me