The road to nowhere good

Angel of Death
take me now,
for it seems happiness
has forgotten how.

Little blue pills,
help me sleep to escape
the confines of my mind,
the reminder of rape.

Bullet and gun,
set me free,
to where I may burn
but will burn as me.

Pretty little razor,
help me to feel,
so I may remember
that I am real.

Bottle of booze,
drown my fear,
help me forget
they've left me here.

Water below,
sweep me away,
leave behind the misery
for another day.

Paper and ink,
keep my secrets,
of pain and sorrow,
and past regrets.

Hello there stranger,
hear my story?
Just be warned
the end sees no glory.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not the best poem ever but I guess it's alright. For Jephacakes because she listens and never judges. <3 love you