That Boy

There was this boy that used to be in my life
He used to be everything to me, including my love
He looked like an angel, a hero in my eyes
But that boy has left now, he left with my heart
That boy was the sun that shone in my life
And since he left i feel lost in the clouds
I know he didnt mean to but unintentionally
That boy has broken my heart

I remember the day i first saw that boy
We were in our fifth grade school dance
I was sitting alone that night, just like always
And he was the only boy that asked me to dance
Since then he became my superman
He fought for me, he always had my back
And the years went on and on, before we knew it
I had graduated college with my best friend

Some say i was stupid for never telling him how i felt
Some say i had the right to move on with my life
But i say that no man in this world have ever made me feel
The way that boy did just by looking at me
And as the tears went down and the years went by
My feelings for that boy never ceazed to grow
But everytime i had looked in his eyes
I knew i'll never afford losing this joy

So i stood by the sidelines time and time again
I watched him fall in love too many times
I held him in my arms too many nights
When those stupid girls broke his heart
I stood and watched him kiss his bride
I stood and watched him carry his first child
I stood and watched him all the time wondering
If i was meant to always live my life watching him

But forty years passed since our first dance
And i never regret any choice i made
Maybe i wasn't where i wanted to be but at least
I never had to lose my superman
So rest in peace buddy, think i'm coming for you soon
I know you'll miss me up there, i'll miss you here too
Thanks for everything, the laughs, our memories
I don't know how my life would've been like without them