Am I selfish now?

Mom you called me selfish but what about you,
Can you hear me now?

Where were you mommy,
why didnt you come when I called?

You always called me selfish,
but where were you?

I tried to call,
why didnt you pick up your phone?

You always called me selfish,
but you should really see yourself.

I started cutting for you mom,
is that selfish?

I gave up my only passion for you,
am I selfish now?

I changed for you mom,
tell me am I still selfish?

I gave up everything mom,
and you gave up nothing.

So go ahead call me selfish,
but answer me this first.

The one time I ever asked for anything ever,
you ignored me.

I cried for help,
and you hid me from the world mommy. Why?

Now I am forever silenced,
I gave up everything for you even my own life.

You always called me selfish,
and it was never me but you who was the selfish one.

I gave up everything mommy but please tell me,
am I selfish now?