
I'm losing myself
My sanity
My life

All along I knew
And all along I tried
All for nothing it seems

Never a first
And always one step behind
Everything taken from me
As if it was never mine to have

All my life I've tried
And it seems I'll never succeed
To have something thats mine

Inadequate and stupid
To give up is tempting
But stubborness leads to bitterness
And I am here alone

Never would I admit
That I am insecure and self-doubting
Because I am the pride and loving

A passion is not to be compared
But never was I for rules

I hate because of jealousy
And I hate because that

I dislike being selfish
But I've never had anything to myself...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sort of a VERY rough poem... but it explains my thoughts on some things very... "clearly"