Broken Glass on the Floor

Broken glass on the floor
The shattered remnants of me
Stay put, boy, there is no door
Stare and let it sink in: You are
Standing on what I used to be

Are those cuts on your bare feet?
Poor child, you are oh so pale
Caught red handed, you cheat
Does it hurt your ears to hear
My gut-wrenching wail?

I was once a bright yellow
And you were a brilliant gold
You turned my yellow to black
And realized that your riches
Have been covered in mold

Don not try and comfort me
Your cruel motives hurt
Take my tears, leave me be
And don’t forget to bury the
Broken glass beneath the dirt
♠ ♠ ♠
At first I was writing this about one person and as I went on I subconsciously began writing about a completely different person, and when I finished, I saw that it fit with the latter person. I'm satisfied, and I'm posting my second poem on this website. Read, think about what you thought about it, and have a scrumptious day. :]