You were nowhere.

This one goes out to Ida, i had never even considered making rap
lyrics until she told me she liked to do it.

Bare with me though, it's my first time :)

Can you see that? - Well now you cant.
It flashed right by before you could react

Nothing is as shiny as the bullet at point blank.
The moment where you know it'll end and can't turn back.

You try to run, you try to escape.
Nothing happens, it's like you're a broken tape.
Shit happens, they all say that but where were they when i needed
a hand?

Feels like imma be here for good, i never feel safe trying to
make it to the hood.

Fuck it, this is where it ends, now imma go out there and greet
death with my bare hands.

i saw it, and now i can't look back, now nothing can stop me from
running myself insane on this track.

Shit happens, they all say that but where were they when i needed
a hand?
It's like a drug, makes me fly away but in the end of the day i
wish i could escape.

Problems? I got plenty, if you want to join them get in line and
burn with me.

I guess i'll keep dreaming, i'll keep wishing, maybe one day my
life will stop bitching.

Shit happens, they all say that but where were they when i needed
a hand?
- When i needed a hand..
- I needed a hand.
- I just needed something...
- Fuck you all..
Feedback always appreciated:)