You're My Everything

I want to let go but my fingers hold tight
My brain tells them no but my heart says they're right
It feels like these feelings should fade over time
My emotions should be covered in tarnish and grime
But if anything the lack of contact is making them stronger
Those soft spoken words and the way that you use them
My pain derived from words of wisdom
Everyone has a nightmare
Heights or needles or snakes that scare
My worst fear is a little less shown
The day I wake up completely alone
I want you beside me, I need you here
I'm shaking and screaming, overwhelmed with fear

None of this is as easy as it looks
My mind is waging a civil war
As much as I try, no one in my hooks
I've got to question what I'm fighting for
But everytime I need you, you're always there
With ears and heart open as I share
I don't know what to call this, but you're all I have