That Night.

I can picture this thursday night
Happy moments, but so not alright
Drinking four lokos with my girlfriends
Trying to forget about our boyfriends

Tipsy? Oh no sir, I was gone
And feeling so alone
The taste of the cigarette weakened my hips
I was drunk and lost on your tobacco lips

I'm unable to explain how I really felt
But baby this night you made my heart melt
Could you feel my body? It wanted to soar
Nothing like before, I wanted something more

Can you remember the nasty taste?
It was me throwing up, oh what a waste
But then you stood me up from the bathroom
And took me to your nice bedroom

You know, I never went this far with ex
I really wanted to have sex
Unfortunately? It did not happen
Which kept my heart from being broken

Putting my feelings into words? Impossible
For my feelings for you are incomprehensible
But I know them and you have her
Which explains why we should have never been together

Will I ever feel like this again?
Could you be the one taking away my pain?
I have no asnwer, the future is not mine
But that night was and will always be mine

When I think of what happened that night
Your funny and adorable face appears in my sight
Oh honey, may you never forget about me
May that night be another collection to our sweet memory
♠ ♠ ♠
True Story.