I Remember.

I remember my small fragile hands, reaching up for hugs from family
I remember, laughing innocently at childish cartoons,
And I remember having a big imagination,
Always wanting to go on a wild adventure
I remember being innocent,
I remember being a kid.

But you grow up way too fast,
You start to think instead of imagining,
And your wondering turns into worry
What’s it like to die?
What if my family dies?
What if I end up alone?
You lose your innocence,
Make bad choices,
Lose sight of what’s important,
Lose who you are

I remember the night I thought too much,
And cried because I was scared
I remember realizing I wasn’t a kid anymore,
And I remember wishing I was.

You grow up too fast and lose sight of who you are,
Living in this corrupt world
Where the memories of childhood seem so far away
I remember playing with rocks and fighting over toys
I remember when nap time used to be my biggest problem

I remember when things were so simple,
I remember wishing I was older
Now I am older, and wishing I was younger
I remember my childhood years and all the great moments,
And never wanting them to end.
I remember being a kid.