
I can't bear to look at you
My feelings take over me, once again
I've told you too many times how happy I am for you
All those times my heart was breaking all the same
Longing for your arms, yet longing for this bullet
Knowing the price I'll pay just to see that smile on your face
These feelings have cut right through me
Still keeping me in this glass case
How much more can I take before I break away?
Even so, you know I'd do anything for you to stay
No matter who all I've once loved
It all ends up the same
They all end up leaving me abandoned
Even forgetting my name
You treat me so differently
Yet somehow not quite loving me
You always talk about how great she is
How she makes your life complete
All my hopes burned into ashes
Oh how can I ever compete?
I may be surrounded by empty bottles every night
But trying not give up the fight
I'd do anything for you to be happy all the same
Even if it means going through all this pain
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