My Mind Won't Release the Chain On My Heart

My mind won’t release the chain on my heart
That binds me from holding you close to me,
And with this chain, my dreams are torn apart
As I suffer in endless agony.
The fear of laying my heart on the line
Has cursed me with eternal loneliness,
And though I love you, I struggle in my mind
To hold back my desire to taste your kiss.
If I could break this chain my mind has made
To bind my heart and risk my foolish pride,
I’d say I love you and am not afraid
To risk anything to be by your side:
But this chain on my heart will not permit
Me to say what love wants me to admit.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a sonnet based on the fear of the speaker risking his heart and losing everything by admitting he loves 'someone.' "But this chain on my heart will not permit me to say what love wants me to admit."