
My favourite colour, has to be blue,
My birthday is the 22nd august,
Do you really know me? well here's a little clue,
I only every go to church, if I ever must.

I am a hundred percent me, day and night,
People think I am weird but I don't care,
I will never go down without a fight,
I guess that's just part of my original flare.

I get nervous, really easy,
About anything and everything,
and then I end up real queasy,
But then it turns out to be nothing

If I see a cute animal, my voice goes all squeaky,
and when I am up high I am scared I am going to fall,
People start to call me freaky,
But I don't care at all

I love all my family, and my friends,
But they never really get me,
But when we fight, we make amends,
But to not fight, that's the real key.

I don't like cherries, raspberries or fish,
People call me a fussy eater,
But pasta is my favourite dish,
To try new foods I am anything but eager.

I like school, but not too much,
I always try my best,
Maths? Well I hate it such,
But I try like in all the rest.

If I was to write, all about me,
It would take up a million pages,
So I will leave it here, and leave it be,
because it would simply go on for ages.

But now do you think you know me really?
I don't think you do,
No one knows the full me, that clearly,
I hardly know me too.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was bored :)