The Reality

The reality of my situation has finally sunk in.Things will never be as they once had been.
A Meir two months was how long we had last. Now I need to put it in the past.

The reality of you absence makes my heart ache.This heart break is a lot to take.I had hoped what we had would become more than just a crush.I wanted you to be more than just a guy who made me blush.

The reality of this is you'll never kiss me again or pull me in you warm embrace.My family thought of us as a huge disgrace.
I really believed you'd stay longer than you had. Is that so bad?

The reality of this is I should have known.I never should Have let you into my comfort zone.
I know that if our parents hadn't gotten in between us we probably would have lasted longer than I thought.
But we got caught.

The reality is my parents stopped me from knowing you more.They made you walk right out that door.
I knew my family would make you leave.But the thought of it made me want to heave.

The reality is I wanted to think better of you.I wanted you to be stronger than I knew.
I wanted you to prove my discouraging thoughts wrong.I wanted us to last really long.

The reality is we didn't though.I know.
You couldn't take them so now we're done.You thought it was they're sick idea of fun.

The reality is your no night in shining armor.You will make a better farmer.
You couldn't stay so I need to move on.By then you'll be long gone.

The reality is I'll live.I have too much to give.
We never fought but that doesn't mean we were right.We eventually would have had a big fight.

The reality is I need someone who will be strong for me.Someone my family will let me see.
I know you really cared,and you wish you could have stayed.But you didn't so your feelings will eventually fade.

The reality is we didn't work out.So I'm not going to pout.
I'll miss you you know..But the reality is I need to go.
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It's A little weird I any suggestions for changes?