Someone I'm Not.

I don't know how to put this.
I'm not good with words.
Or actions.
Or...well, anything.
But I'll try and put it as best I can.
Have you ever been lied to?
More than likely, you have.
It's not a pleasant experience.
To find that someone you'd trusted
Didn't care enough to tell you the truth.
And it can result in pain.
A lot of pain.
And that's something I wish no one had to go through.
But I don't make the rules.
We know lying is common, and it hurts.
But have you ever been...mislead?
That's a bit tricky.
You can't really be angry,
Because it wasn't done on purpose.
But you are angry,
Because it is what it is,
And nothing else.
And you don't have anyone else to blame.
But now,
There's something I'd like to tell you.

What if...
I'm not really the person you thought?
I haven't got a secret identity,
And I'm not an Animagus.
But even so,
What if I'm not that happy,
Smiling person everyone seems to see?
What if I'm not satisfied,
like everyone seems to think?
I guess it must be really hard to see,
Because I'm not.
I'm a screwed up, tempermental, annoying dumba**,
Who has a major tendency to b*tch
About not getting what she wants.
Then, after putting up all that fight,
Realizes she never deserved it.
And feels alone.
And everyone thinks it's easy.
Alone in a world of eight billion,
Rudely pushed aside while on the path to her dreams.
Knocked down by those eight billion who think,
No, who know, that I can't do it.
Over and over.
But there I go again,
B*tching on about something I don't deserve.
I'm sorry.
I know I can't be what everyone expects.
I know I can't be what you deserve,
Or what you wish I was.
I can't be anything.
I just don't want you thinking
I'm someone I'm not.