One More Day

If I was granted two wishes,
no, it wouldn't be my celebrity crushes kiss,

I would wish for one more day.

You and I could sit in your old Archie Bunker chair,
if your up to it, we could take a stroll over to the county fair,
and feed Snowball some sugar cubes.

Or we could just sit at home and play,
and like that song, if heaven wasn't so far away,
you could come visit me.

And we could play "town" underneath a tree.
Just like we used to.
Before your journey had to come to an end, as decided by you-know who.

My second wish,
would be for you to scoop me into one last bear hug.

And hear those words,
"I love you" come out of your lips.
One. Last .Time
♠ ♠ ♠
These are more like my thoughts then a poem, but I didn't really think it would fit under "Journal" haha.