
I know of a woman
who wears a white veil,
but speaks of the black;

Who's chest is delayed of breaths --
the corset stitched tightly
to her skin on her back.

She cries for the forbidden,
the unknown, the consequential desires
that she fears and longs for.

The serpent ties
the intoxicated black silk
over her eyes.
She's blinded by 'evil',
but, she wonders, is forbidden love
truly evil?

I know of a man
who's blue eyes can stun,
but instead they whisper:
It won't have to mean anything,
"but to us."

His eyes cry for summer,
for the unconditional love,
for the adventures he regrets not taking on. . .

The man ties the black silk
around the woman's hand, stroking it;
"Soft hands, take mine, and follow."
But she cuts the attachment apart with her sharp eyes,
whispering eternal apology.

His voice in her head:
"love, longing, pain, trust."
Her fiance's voice in her head:
"Forever, mine, love, us."

She runs to the unspoken,
the untouched, the deepest darkness --
drowning in her tears.
The woman cries for the uncertain,
the afraid, the ones who wish for just a day
to love freely without punishment.

"Stay strong, stay true.
Don't break down like a fool such as me.
Run for the wanted, the true,
the heart. Run for you."

The man cries for his heart;
the heart that belongs to another man
whom stole it from him for matrimony.
For the green eyes that seep into his soul,
for the way her precious lips say "I love you."

"Don't give up, but don't go too far.
Stay in your hopes -- in her heart.
Run for the times, run for the joys,
the one you want forever, and rid of the toys.
Run for her, run with her."

I know of a love
that wishes to be fulfilled.
But sometimes you just have to keep your veil.
So before it's too late,
run for what you want,
before what you want gets stolen.

Learn from this man, learn from this woman.

Cry for the forbidden, the unknown, the consequences
that you fear and long for.

But don't let go. . .