Once Upon a Heartbreak

Once upon a heartbreak,
a girl lay in tears.
The smoldering green in her
eyes suddenly disappeared.

Devin, a boy of Satan,
abused her to agony.
She felt nothing but
the shake in her legs, staggering.

Once upon a heartbreak,
a girl slits her wrists;
frightened, angry, confused
by her evil fits.

Hailey, gave her those first lips --
made her happy, kept her high. . .
it's too bad she dumped her,
that's when she died inside.

Once upon a heartbreak,
a girl is being touched.
He's sexually harassing her,
she can't make him stop, he's too much.

Austin, blinded by hurt,
wants her hand to hold.
But he can't keep his hands off,
his lips shut, his lonely heart's
too cold.

Once upon a heartbreak,
a girl lay in bed. He's taken,
she's so madly in love, she can't
believe what he'd said.

Joseph, the eyes of blue,
stole her heart so fast.
The happiest she'd ever been,
to this very day she wants it all back.

Once upon a heartbreak,
a girl cannot breathe.
She'd given him so much,
she's sobbing; all this time
she'd been deceived.

Alex, the one she thought would stay,
says he just can't do it anymore,
turns out he's gay.
She throws everything in a box,
even the note from when he first
said he loved her -- the one she
thought she'd lost.
Almost a year gone to waste. . .

Once upon a heartbreak,
so many girls can't help but need --
someone to kiss, that will stay true. . .
so many of us hurt.
It's too bad this girl was me.