
Have you ever needed a freind
And no one was there
Just people that don't know
Enough to care

They think you're happy
They think your life is okay
Don't be ashamed
You shouldn't feel the blame

Just come to me
Because I know what it feels like
To need a freind
And to be told to take a hike

I know the feeling
When you don't want to talk about feelings
When you're embarressed of them
When you're about to hit the ceiling

Please ask for a hand
Instead of a razor
Because as you get older
You realize life just gets crazier

Your parents don't know you anymore
Or maybe you don't know them
Your "friends" have deserted you
And you keep your feelings bottled like a pearl in a clam

Please tell me all your worries and woes
I may not be able to take them away
But at least you know I'll listen
And that way I'll always stay