The two companions

I thought I had left them behind,
I thought they were out of my mind.

I thought your love has helped me overcome them,
But I guess there is no rose without thorns in its stem.

But now they are back,
They are back with a new kind of attack.

This time they came together,
And drove me to anger.

It’s no use trying to throw them away,
They are here for a job that they will complete not here to play.

I try to push them out,
But they won’t give in not by a fight or no matter how much you shout.

They are intent on finishing what they are here for,
They don't have mercy no matter how much you implore.

You start feeling like there is a whole brick building on your heart,
And you start wishing you weren’t born from the start.

You start having memories you thought were forgotten,
But you can’t get away once you’re bitten.

You start feeling incomplete,
And start wondering why does your heart beat.

They are back to pull me under once more,
After I had thought I found the cure.

Those two companions are stronger than me,
And there is no one around to hear my plea.

Where is the safety that was here an hour ago?
How had they managed to come through?

A few words that might have seemed innocent enough,
And the feelings they brought are so rough.

The two companions that drive me insane,
The two companions I hate, fear and pain.