I'm Vitriolic

My father always said that hate was a strong word
Too strong a word to use in regular conversation
So I’ve taken to ‘greatly dislike’, which he preferred
And using these words is my given vocation

I hate pink for many reasons, and many reasons still
Some you may find immature, others alright at best
It’s mushy and gushy, meant for girls dressed with frill
It stereotypical for girls to love it, so on principle I despise it

It represents love and the most meaningless holiday of them all
How can you hate it for symbolizing love? It’s harmless
I’m a cynic, I think love doesn’t exist, at which you’re appalled
I find it condescending and insulting, though I could be heartless

I find it reminds me of the girls you see on T.V.
The ones the media tells us all to try to be
Pink is for girls, girls are only good skinny
As I’m not bone-thin, I think those girls are crazy

See, I dislike it for a lot of reasons, not all are idiotic
It also looks like cat-puke when the cat’s had too much salmon
Now you may think I’m terrible, perhaps even vitriolic
But I don’t care, the truth is that I hate pink with a passion