Maybe there's hope

A family and their grandparents,
all sit around a table.
Mildly happy faces,
looking rather stable.

But grandfather is sick..
He is un-curable today..
He has lived a long life,
he has lived by the day.

Not taking it for granted,
he smiles every minute of the day.
With violin and piano,
he teaches kids to play.

When he saw his gradkids faces,
he bust out in song,
but little did he know,
he wasn't singing for very long..

He then started humming,
a tune the kids knew..
The first song he taught them..
So they hummed too..

The grandkids started crying,
as grandfather fell asleep.
Just silently hoping,
that tomorrow they would meet.

Tomorrow came, all awake,
to come and eat together.
Breakfast was delicious,
as they stared at the weather.

It was dark and it was pooring,
as Grandfather dropped his glass.
His daughter took his hand,
as he started to lightly pass..

Grandfather looked at his daughter,
Smiled, one last time..
His eyes closed forever,
his smile lost his shine..

His daughter spoke to him,
before she started to cry..
"Sleep well daddy..
I know you had to die..."

They all wept with tears,
like waterfalls from their eyes,
as grandfathers soul had finally,
reached for the skys.

Grandfather looked down,
crying, himself, too.
He didn't know where to go,
or what he had to do..

"But everyone dies, daddy..
It is our fate.."
As he heard those last words,
he found, heavens gate.

Grandfathers eyes are still soaked,
he did not want to go inside..
Then God himself showed,
and lightly touched his side.

"Release your pain and sorrow,
as if it were a dove.
And keep with you happiness,
and Love, always love."

Grandfather looked back at his family,
one last single time.
Smiled back at them lightly,
then said to God, "Fine."

The family had a funeral,
for their lost grandfather.
People said their goodbyes,
including his daughter.

As they all left,
his daughter had one more thing to do.
She took a long stemed rose, and said,
"Daddy, I love you.."

"You will never leave my thoughts,
and I hope you're doing fine..
So thank you for giving me,
this wonderful life of mine."

As she left the rose go,
onto the casket, under the land,
She felt that familiar warm touch,
on the palm of her hand.

She smiled as she knew,
that this is an unforgettable day.
She wishes for the best for him,
R.I.P. he may..

Maybe there's hope..
By Austin Kiecatt