you are loved

Little girl,
Why are you so sad?
Why do you cry,
Little girl?

My mommy left me,
She didn’t want me.

You are loved little girl,
Do not be sad.
Your mother was wrong,
Please don’t cry little girl.

But why did she leave?
What did I do wrong?

You have not done anything little girl,
It was not your fault,
Your mother wanted drugs,
She was an addict little girl.

Who are you mister,
How do you know these things?

I am your father little girl,
I care for you,
I love you,
Please stop crying little girl.

What is your name daddy,
And why are you hiding?

My dear little girl,
My name is God,
I live in heaven,
I am with you in your heart little girl.

Will I ever get to see you daddy,
Can I come visit now?

It is not your time little girl,
You will see me one day,
But that is a long time away,
You are destined for greatness my little girl.

Like what?
Mommy said I am useless and cannot do anything.

You have the gift of feeling little girl,
You have the power of words,
Use them well,
Make people feel little girl.

Daddy I don’t know how,
I feel so alone and scared daddy.

Do not be scared little girl,
In time you will learn,
I am always with you
My little girl.

Daddy what about mommy?
I still love her very much.

And she loves you little girl,
One day she will read your writing,
She will remember you,
She will come back little girl.

Thank you daddy,
I love you.

I love you too little girl,
I am always with you,
If you ask I will come,
Do not fear my darling for I am always here for you little girl.

I will become great and mommy will come back,
Goodbye daddy.

Goodbye my sweet darling little girl.