My Best Friend

My Best Friend

I met you 
I think it was April

I looked up at you
Gosh you were tall

I asked for your number
I was really bored that night

We played a game
20 questions

You knew more about me than almost anyone else
Except for my BFF

You said we could be really good friends
I couldn't disagree

I asked if you wanted to be my best friend
You said you don't want a fake best friend

I promised I would be real
And you agreed to open up

It's only been about a month
And you were the only boy who knew me so well

It didn't matter that you were a senior
And I was a freshman

"Bestie" was never a title
It was more of a nickname

I remember when you wanted to take me out for my birthday
And I was afraid to ask my mother

But eventually I did
Because you were just that important to me

And I remember when you first told me you loved me
And I wasn't afraid to tell you back

Because you were indeed
My Best Friend :)
♠ ♠ ♠
I doubt he will ever see this. Lol

(he doesn't like to read. :p But yetovenove to write)