Dark Imagination

My world collapses around me.
I hear glass break and people screaming.
I try not to scream.
This place is a fairy tale gone horribly wrong.
I figured it was my fault the demons found their way out.
Running from the nightmares and tripping over the unseen glass I find the truth laying there.
People scurry away from me.
The monsters follow me into the unending darkness.
I feel their glowing red eyes on every inch of my body, calling to me.
I feel their ice col breath on the nip of my neck as I try to run away.
Shivers run down my spine as I hear the shadows whisper my name.
Closed in this small dark place I start to scream.
I give up my soul, screaming as loud as my lungs will let me.
The monsters shuffling feet give away their position.
Facing them for the first time I let out my last tear and try not to let go of my strength.
Their beady red eyes stare down into mines as I a ball my hands into a fist.
I try not to scream and fall as the they rip away my clothes.
I feel the blood falling down my body as they claw their way into my skin.
With one last scream I fall to the ground, trapped in an unending blackness.
Finally, death sweeps over me and the monsters, as well as darkness, swallows me whole.