I miss and I wish

Everyday I ride my bike past your house
And everyday I wish I could go inside.
I wish I could call you whenever,
Just like I used to.
I wish I could just show up in the morning,
And spend my day talking to you.

I miss your house,
I miss my second home.
I miss the dinners we used to have,
And the cluelessness of your dad.

I miss our sleepovers,
with a million goodnight kisses,
I miss sitting on your bed,
Talking for hours on end.

I wish they could see,
How much you mean to me,
I wish they could understand
That I'm totally in love with you.

Since your parents disapprove,
I never get to see you.
And when I do,
You're too scared that they'll find out.

I wish you didn't have to be afraid,
I wish they would just let us be
I don't want to hurt you,
I just want to be with you.