

All I ever wanted was to free him from his hatred...
But he was born in a world of desolation and despair.

Now we're standing here...face to face.
Just as we stood here back to back in the past.

He warned me, but I wouldn't listen...

We're staring at each other, knowing that there's no turning back now...
Knowing that this would be the end.

"Why did you come?"
I can sense his anger, and still...
I know there's something else.
I close my eyes, suppressing the tears I held back for so long...

"You don't remember?"
Of course he doesn't remember!
But still...
I feel like I need to hear it from him.

He glares at me, but I can sense there's something else.

He lost his light...a long time ago...
His heart has been captured by the darkness!

Now we're standing here...face to face.
Just as we stood here back to back in the past.

He saved me...a long time ago...
And therefore he fell into the shadows...

"You shouldn't have come."
He takes a step closer...but I won't draw back.

A long time ago...I made a promise.
I promised to be his light, should he ever lose his own.

Now we're standing here...face to face.
Just as we stood here back to back in the past.
And just as we aren't supposed to face each other ever again.

He raises his blade
His fissured soul corrupted by hatred.
But still...
there's something else.

"Don't be. It was my fault."

A piercing pain...
Blood, everywhere!
I fall to the ground,
and so does he.

Our eyes meet...
mine filled with tears,
as well as his.

"I'm sorry..."
I place my hand on his cheek.
"Don't be. You' now."
My lips embrace his in a last, soft kiss.
"No, don't leave me! I love you!"
But I should never hear him say those words...
'Cause I closed my eyes...
'Cause I fell asleep...
'Cause we were never meant to be together...