I'm in love with you

I'm in love with the shy
with the way you tip toe
the way your eyes twinkle when you sing
with the sad

I'm in love with the way you laugh
with the way you talk
with your smile
with the happy

I'm in love with your eyes
with your voice
the way you twirl

I'm in love with your pretty face
with you beautiful body
your polka dot socks on your pretty little feet
with your cute little hands

I'm in love with the way you make me smile
with the way songs make me think of you
the feeling I get when I'm talking to you
with the way I'm lost for words around you

I'm in love with your good days
with your bad days
your ugly days
with your beautiful days

I'm in love with you <3
♠ ♠ ♠
written for the one and only girl I love... in hopes that one day I'll work up the nerve to read it to her.