Heart vs Mind

It seems all I am
is a casualty of war
between my mind and heart

My mind likes to loose itself
in its own little fantasies
reminding me not to cling to hope

My heart likes to express itself,
sometimes its just to much,
my loved ones are taken aback.

My mind tells my heart to slow down
to express itself slowly
and don't raise your hopes.

My heart doesn't listen.
It has a will of its own
ignoring all logic and reason.

My mind retaliates,
burning images of hopelessness
and whispering how worthless I am.

My heart tells me to love
to love and never ever stop
no matter how pointless it may seem.

My mind tells me to slow down
before I loose my friends
all because of the strange way my heart acts.

This battle rages around me,
never seeming to end
it seems all I am is a casualty of war.