The sound of war

The rustic clock chimes into the night,
Eight loud prongs, it signals the first flight,
The first set of jets, scream through the sky,
Disrupting the silence, they dart on by.

Children frantically gather at their door,
Their delicate feet slapping against the floor,
Parents stand back gazing in awe,
Watching the jets fly off to war.

Over the hills, a bomb is dropped,
For a moment, the whole world is stopped,
Seized in motion, as it hurtles to the ground,
It awakens the world, with a bellowing sound.

A crater is formed; it produces a permanent scar,
One nation; falling apart beneath the stars,
In the distance, the tanks roll on through,
A town must leave; its time is well due.

Shrill screams ignite a vicious flame,
Out of control; too late to tame,
A once peaceful city is now a zoo,
Voices are heard, who do they cry out to?

Gun shots, sirens and an unknown roar,
The rivals will fight; fight until there is no more,
No tomorrow, and beyond today,
A once peaceful city has been blown away.

Souls are collected, bodies laid to rest,
A nation’s resistance has been put to the test,
Failed, defeated, but never put to shame,
Is it the soldiers whom we must blame?